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Well Child Visit (0-3 Years Old)

Checkups allow a doctor to look at your child from head to toe. The first few check-ups are very important to make sure your baby is growing, feeding, and developing properly. If your baby hasn’t seen the doctor since discharge from the hospital, set up an appointment ASAP! A visit should be scheduled for all new members within 60 days, following visits should be scheduled based on the recommended guidelines (see the linked AAP Periodicity Schedule).

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Exam Schedule    |    Recommended Screenings    |    Immunizations    |    Teething   |    Resources

Exam Schedule

  • 3-5 days
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • 30 months

Each exam should consist of:

  • Full Physical Exam (length, height, weight, blood pressure and BMI %)
  • Health History (initial and interval)
  • Recommended Screens (catch up on missed or late recommended screens)
  • Immunization/shots (catch up on missed of late immunizations/shots)
  • Referrals as needed

Recommended Screenings

During each visit the following recommended screens should take place (see the linked AAP Periodicity Table (PDF).

Recommended ScreeningsRecommended Age(s) Child

Behavioral Health Screen

Behavioral Assessment to be performed at each visit between 0 to 30 months.


All newborns should be screened during their first visit. Follow up or referrals should be conducted based on results.


A dental screen should be completed by the 12-month exam and every 6 months after the first visit until 21 years.

Lead Screen

A lead screen is required at 12 and 24 months. Children between 36-72 months must be tested if they have not been tested during the recommended time period.

Autism Screen

An Autism Screen is required at 18 and 24 months. Catch up screens can be completed during your 30-month visit.

Developmental Screen

A developmental screen is required at 9, 18 and 30 months. Developmental screens help to identify potential delays in growth and development.

Anemia Screen

Should be performed at 12 months. Assessment for risk factors should continue at each visit.

 *For more information speak with your provider.

Immunizations / Shots

Babies and young children have not had time to develop a strong immune system, making them more vulnerable to infections. Immunizations can help prevent the spread of disease and protect infants and toddlers against dangerous complications. Below are the recommended immunizations based on age.

VaccineRecommended Age(s) of Child
Hepatitis B (HepB)
  • Birth
  • 1-2 Months
  • 6-18 Months

Rotovirus (RV)1

  • 2 Months
  • 4 Months
  • 6 Months
Diptheria, Tetanus & acellular Pertussis (DTaP)
  • 2 Months
  • 4 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 15-18 Months
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)2
  • 2 Months
  • 4 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 12-15 Months
Pneumococcal disease (PCV13, PCV15)
  • 2 Months
  • 4 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 12-15 Months
Polio (IPV)
  • 2 Months
  • 4 Months
  • 6-15 Months
  • 18 Months
Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR)
  • 12-15 Months
Chickenpox (Varicella)
  • 12-15 Months
Hepatitis A (HepA)5
  • 12 Months
  • 18-23 Months
Influenza (Flu)
  • Starting at 6 Months



Administering a third dose at age 6 months depends on the brand of Hib or rotavirus vaccine used for previous dose.


Two doses given at least 4 weeks apart are recommended for children aged 6 months through 8 years of age who are getting an influenza (flu) vaccine for the first time and for some other children in this age group.


Number of doses recommended depends on your child’s age and type of COVID-19 vaccine used.


Two doses of Hep A vaccine are needed for lasting protection. The two doses should be given between age 12 and 23 months. Both doses should be separated by at least 6 months. Children 2 years and older who have not received two doses of Hep A should complete the series.

Did You Know?

You can earn a $25 My Health Pays reward when you complete all six infant well child visits at 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 15 months with an assigned Primary Care Doctor/Provider (PCP).


Most first teeth erupt by 6 months of age. Your baby might be teething already. Some common signs for teething are:

  • Drooling (can last for weeks before a tooth appears)
  • Irritability
  • Pulling on ears or rubbing cheeks.

If your baby does not have teeth yet, you still need to clean your baby’s mouth after every feeding. If your baby is getting some teeth now, its ok to use small amounts of toothpaste without fluoride. Fluoride should not be used on babies under 6-7 months old.